Tagged: belgium

Death Metal Epic (Book Two: Goat Song Sacrifice) by Dean Swinford



Death Metal Epic (Book Two: Goat Song Sacrifce)
Dean Swinford
228 pages
ISBN: 978-1941918166

Black metal juggernaut Desekration stand poised to record their forthcoming masterwork … once David and Svart get a few more dudes to join the band.


Book Two of The Death Metal Epic finds David Fosberg living his rock and roll fantasy. Which means drinking every day and sleeping on Svart’s couch.


His mom’s couch. Svart lives at home.


David has left Miami behind. Left the Bard behind. And joined forces with Svart, a brutish nekrowarrior who only listens to, like, Celtic Frost, Destruction, and Bathory. The early stuff.


As Desekration start to record Infernö, David’s bandmates rail on about the mystic power of something they call “The Goat Song.” And what they’ll sacrifice to play it.